Reaction to Codec2 Video

The QSO with Paul, ZL3IN, has garnered quite a bit of attention, with very positive reviews of the state of Codec2 and the spirit of David's project in general.

Amateur Radio Newsline gave Paul and me some of their airtime.

The ÖVSV (Austrian Amateur Radio League) reported on us, as did Southgate ARC's excellent site. Report #4 of 2011 of the BB-Amateurfunkmagazins put us at the top of their issue, in a piece entitled "Video zeigt quelloffenen Sprachcodec in der Praxis".

The Interessengemeinschaft Amateurfunk Osnabrück notes that "Das Beispiel zeigt jedoch, was heute möglich ist und dass man trotz äußerst geringer Bandbreite akzeptabel Sprache übertragen kann."

And finally, KC4BQK says, "This is what I think Amateur radio is all about."


  1. Nice work Bruce, very cool milestone in the life of Codec 2.


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